Is this our first time delivering to you?
I don't know
First Name
Last Name
Organization or Business name (if applicable)
Additional Delivery Information
Check all that apply.
This delivery may occur when it is raining; truck stays on hard surface.
The driver will need to back in to my driveway.
The driver will need additional information about accessing the delivery location because my location is unavailable via GPS.
When would you like to receive your delivery?
Check ALL that apply. Your driver will always call you when they are leaving the farm from a private phone number - please do not screen your calls!
24-hour notice required for any changes or cancellations.
Review our general delivery availability by viewing the calendar below or click the green button.
First Available
This week
Next week
Exact date (please list in field below)
8am - 12pm
12pm - 5pm
Add me to standby list in case of cancellations!
Please list exact desired date
Delivery Disclaimers
Carefully review and check each box.
I understand delivery surcharges may be assessed if the driver is unable to make delivery upon arrival due to obstructions, lack of customer instructions, or other related delays.
If my preferred delivery spot is off a paved or gravel surface, I will discuss the details of the delivery with the driver at the time of the delivery and sign an off-road waiver.
I understand that deliveries are unavailable on sloped areas or beneath powerlines or tree branches.
In case the the delivery driver needs to reach me with their personal cell phone, I will not screen calls on the delivery day.
If I need to change or cancel my delivery I will provide at least 24 hours notice to the office.
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Thank you for submitting a delivery request!
If you have submitted this form during regular business hours, you can expect to hear from a team member by the end of the day with more information about your delivery. If we are currently closed, a member of our team will be in touch the next business day to confirm your order and send an invoice.