April Fools, Spools, and Tools!

Happy April Fools!

Though you won’t see any pranks from the team at Panorama Paydirt this April 1st, we are happy to see the start of a new month. March was gone in the blink of an eye and as our local temperatures steady we are looking forward to thinking about our vegetable gardens and spring plantings. In the meantime, we thought it would be fun to share some notes on two topics that are front-of-mind these days…


This year we invested in a new bagging machine to help us bag our Paydirt Compost more efficiently and keep our inventory stocked for home delivery, on-site pickup, and local retailers. We are still learning the rhythm of the machine but can already see a positive impact on our production. The machine carries an enormous spool of thread that will last around 10,000 bags! We hope you enjoy this glimpse into our new system.


We receive plenty of calls from customers new to gardening who want to know which tools they absolutely need to purchase in order to utilize the Compost or Mulch products we might be delivering to their home. Gardening tools can get very expensive and growing your collection over time is a great way to stretch your budget.

If using our Compost products, a round shovel, flat shovel, snow shovel, bedding pitchfork, hard rake, or small hand tools such as a trowel or soil knife are all useful tools to help you transport, apply, and incorporate the material in to your beds.

If using our Mulch products, a standard pitchfork or bedding pitchfork are very useful to transport the material in to a wheelbarrow or directly in to the location to be mulched. Using a hard rake upside down (yes, with the flat part against the ground!) is a great method to level out your mulch in an even layer. A heavy duty spade will help you get a clean edge on your beds but always be sure to mark your line so you don’t get carried away!

Check back next month for some reflections on vegetable gardens!

Margaret Bloom